Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring is finally here!

It doesn't seem like it most of the time but officially Spring is here.  There have been a few bright spots of lovely warm weather, and I can't wait for more.  Spring also brought a spring cleaning weekend, which the kids weren't too thrilled about.  But it so needed done.  The entire house was dusted and cleaned.  Poor Loki's naps were completely messed up; he is terrified of the vacuum cleaner.

Kyle turned 13!  Can you believe it?  It's so hard to believe that he is a teenager.  I'm not sure how we are going to make it with BOTH kids teenagers now.  Kyle has been wanting to go to the Galloping Ghost Arcade, so they took a ride up and had a great time.  There are over 450 retro games; they said 5 hours went by like 5 minutes.  They definitely want to find time to go back and hang out even longer next time.


And for his birthday dinner, Kyle wanted Olive Garden.  Yum! 

He got a bunch of sweet birthday gifts, video games and the like of course... which he loves!  He also got this awesome Stormtrooper snuggie.   

Once again, he wanted monkey bread for his birthday cake.  Kenny got creative with the candles we had available.

In honor of Kyle's birthday, we all wore Star Wars t-shirts.  Can you tell from the picture?  Kyle is officially 2 inches taller than me now.  Crazy!!!

Then it was time for Spring Break!  It didn't seem like it would EVER get here.  We were all looking forward to a break from school and homework.  We didn't have any big plans, more of a determined effort to relax and get caught up on sleep.  There were also lots of books and Netflix on the agenda.  Kyle and I even went to see Batman vs. Superman; we both really liked it.  Kyle rated it a 9/10.  Delaney saw it with Phoenix; she felt it was a bit dark, maybe from more of a comparison to the Marvel movies.  Kyle even made time to finish up the Lego Jurassic World game with me... 100% completion!  Woo-hoo!

Kenny's team also had an awesome indoor season -- tourney champs!  Great job!

Ken, Dani, Dee & Kyle

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