Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy 40th Birthday, Danielle!

Hello, everyone! This is Kenny, hijacking our family blog from Danielle who normally posts since I figured she wouldn't post her birthday pictures!!!

We actually celebrated her birthday the evening before on the 23rd. We were able to get together with her parents and grandmother as well as her sister with her two boys at Kelsey's Steakhouse for a wonderful birthday meal out. Then afterwards, we went to her sister's house for cake and presents!

Her parents found sparkles for the cake with a big 40! Is that hilarious or what? They were pretty strong sparklers too; I think Danielle was concerned that a potential fire could start. Kyle thought they were awesome and was trying to get a close look at them. :-)

Since Kyle was right there admiring the awesome sparklers, he helped blow out the regular candles. Which really weren't "regular" as they were trick candles provided by me! HA! We ended up having a lot of smoke between the sparklers and trick candles, which in hindsight, wasn't probably all that great for someone with a rare lung disease!

Since I am still in my thirties (39 and holding), it's been a lot of fun teasing Danielle about hitting the big 40! It's fun mocking her on being in an entirely different decade than I am, and I can do it for an entire year! Good times!

Happy Birthday, Danielle!

Ken, Dee and Kyle

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