Their team shirts were hot-pink -- not a color that Delaney was very thrilled about. Kenny and I had fun chanting, "Go Hot Pink," and watching Delaney shake her head and roll her eyes at us! :-)

Freakishly enough, the weather was perfect for hanging outside all day. It never rained, it wasn't too sunny and hot, it wasn't too cold -- definitely NOT the norm it seems for soccer games. Don't get me wrong, it was wonderful!

They played a total of four games that day. They won each game they played, although one was a nail-biter! In fact, they snuck one goal in RIGHT before the whistle and we thought it had tied the game. I guess we obviously had our goal count off because that last-minute goal won the game. Whew!

Here was one of Dee's many goals throughout the day!!!

After the final game, they headed over to the tent to receive their trophies with a lot of excitement!

And Delaney was THRILLED to receive another shirt (that was NOT hot pink) that said Champions on it!!! I'm sure this is the shirt that she'll be wearing most of the time.

It was a lot of fun. We'll have to do this again! Great job, girls!